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Lestie May Zachary


My life mission is simple. To love others as God has loved me.


"For I know the plans that I am planning concerning you," declares Yahweh, "plans for prosperity and not for harm, to give to you a future and a hope. Then when you call me, and you come and pray to me, then I will listen to you."

Jeremiah 29:11-12

Lestie was born in the high desert town of Deming, New Mexico, to parents of farmers and ranchers. She spent her first seven years there happily playing beneath the shade of the cottonwood trees. Arrowhead hunting and splashing around in the irrigation ditches and stock tanks of her grandparents’ pastures were her entertainment.

Over the next twelve years in Arizona, Lestie grew into adulthood. Camping with her family, playing volleyball, and taking home economics classes were among her favorites. She is grateful that some of her schoolmates and teachers from those years are still among her best friends.


Lestie married the same sweet guy she fell in love with over forty years ago. She is Mom, Mahzha, Maw, Mum, and sometimes Bob to her five brilliant kiddos, two of whom chose to marry into this fun-loving family. She is also Gramz to eight captivating and brilliant grands.


For Lestie and her husband, their rustic home is a cabin on Crown Lake in Horseshoe Bend, Arkansas. Lestie adores homemaking, chocolate, and all things family. In recent years, she has thoroughly enjoyed co-writing with God - now her full-time passion. She cherishes every chance she gets to craft her ideas with a pen and a Big Chief notebook.

Grandparents at their store
Gma & Gpa & horse.jpg
Grandparents picking cotton
Grandpa with his harvester
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