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Updated: May 7, 2024

Hello friend,

It’s so good to be with you today. Thank you for inviting me in for a visit. I just have a quick note before I begin my story. My Kickstarter campaign will begin the middle of this month, probably on the 23rd, if all goes according to plan. I’ll fill you in on the specifics in my next email, hopefully next week. Follow me on Facebook (Writing for Yesterday and Today), Instagram, or LinkedIn for daily updates. This weekend, Mom, my sister Megan, and I attended a women’s conference in a nearby town. The name was Missing Pieces. This year, the topic was peace. I wasn’t sure what to expect as this was their first annual event. But I suspected by the name, it would be more like a spa day of refreshing. What I walked away with was so much more. The overarching theme was dealing with hard things. Then, Sunday, I listened to a daily devotional, Glorify. The subject was the connectedness of the Pando Aspen tree grove in Utah. Fun facts:

  • The Pando Aspen is the world’s largest, most dense organism.

  • It weighs in at nearly 13 million pounds.

  • Over 40,000 trees appear to stand alone above ground, but below ground, they are an interconnected root system that constantly regenerates.

  • Utah’s Pando Grove is approximately 106 acres.

  • The autumn season produces brilliant yellow and orange leaves, a breathtaking sight to behold.

As I pondered this devotion and the conference, I began to connect the dots of what God was trying to tell me. And maybe you can relate to this as well. God created family, not stand-alone humans. He created us for connectedness and regeneration. We all have a desire for wholeness and belonging. If life has shown me anything, it’s that connectedness is essential to the human experience. And all this would be rosy if life were perfect. But the truth is, evil exists in this world and a whole lot of pain. We don’t always know how to connect with others. And sometimes, the hard things are unbearable. But let’s suppose we could break out of our norm and truly make a difference in the life of another. What would it look like if we stepped out of our comfort zone this week and did something encouraging for another, shared some knowledge with the younger generations, or simply held the hand and listened to a friend in need? These are the things that connect us and draw us closer to the family of God. So, the question I want to pose to you today is: WHAT WOULD YOU DO TO HELP A FELLOW HUMAN THIS WEEK? One of the seven keys in my book is Hospitality. There are seven lessons within it: Prepare Your Heart, Prepare a Place, Encourage Conversation, Share What You Have, Be Willing to Adapt, Serve Willingly, and Invite Others Into Your Family. It’s interesting how God is bringing the past weekend full circle back to the book I’ve written and the valuable subjects and virtues it holds for generational bonding and connectedness. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did in writing it for you. As always, I love to hear from you. Please email me and let me know how I can serve you this week. Do you need prayer? A friendly voice on the other end of the line? Encourage you through a difficult time? I want to connect. Let me know. Sending love and light, Lestie

Be the love and light in someone's life this week.

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 NLT

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