Greetings and a cheery hello,
It has been quite a while since I've written to you. I want to catch you up on my progress. I aimed to have my manuscript ready for editing by the year's end. But, before I got busy in my writer's chair, I took the time to settle into home life by completing several projects that had been on the back burner. Can I say I absolutely love the writer's life? I have so many ideas flowing. I attended a few workshops and conferences that are helping me hone my craft. There is so much to learn. Since I decided some time ago to self-publish, I am focusing on everything I need to know in order to publish not only through Amazon but also through Ingram Spark and Barnes and Noble. Just the prospect of multi-publishing platforms is exciting to me. I have also been blessed through referrals to find three different sites where you can sell your book as a curriculum. The more I pen into this manuscript, the more versatility I see in it.
I AM SUPER STOKED (I am a bit giddy as I write this) God continues to pour into this project.
I have approximately twenty days or so available in the year that I can dedicate to finishing up my studies. If you remember, there are seven keys with seven daily studies each. Also, each day has an activity. I have twenty studies left to write of the forty-nine. I have to tweak the activities that I first created and still come up with two more. So, there is plenty left to do. I have a sneak peek for you today. These two pages are samples from my book. I hope they begin to give you a taste of what I have been working eagerly on and get you excited to be a part of the process as well. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts on my sample pages. I always love hearing from you.
This is the Day 2 study of the Wisdom key.
This is the Day 1 study of the Hospitality key.
This is the Day 2 study of the Wisdom key.
I want to wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving gathering this year. I am thankful for you, my reader and fellow email buddy. Thank you so much for supporting me with your feedback and love. I hold you dear in my heart. Send me a note and tell me how you will spend your Thanksgiving this year.
Warmest regards,
Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.
Psalm 100:4 NIV