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Sweet Gifts In Small Boxes


Updated: May 7, 2024

Mom texted, “Can you believe it?"

A few weeks before Mom’s text, I asked if she knew where some pictures were that would go along with my dad stories. I hoped there would be some to choose from to include in my book. It was a tall request though as these family picture memories were stored in multiple boxes almost two hours away at the home Dad and Mom shared. You see after Dad passed, Mom moved north to Horseshoe Bend to live near me. Mom said the next time she went home she would look through the boxes to see if she could find any that might work. True to Mom’s word, she returned to Horseshoe Bend a couple of weeks later with three boxes of pictures to sort through. Two bigger boxes and one small shoebox. She skimmed through the bigger boxes, hopeful she might find a picture or two. But no luck. Then she struck gold! Mom texted me, “Can you believe it? All in one little shoebox! I think these are the ones you requested.” Out of all of our family photo boxes, this one little, unassuming shoebox contained every picture I had in mind, plus more, for my dad stories. I hadn’t even seen some of the pictures before. These pictures ranged in age from before I was even a twinkle in my daddy's eye to my later adulthood. In almost three-quarters of a century of pictures, how is it possible that every picture I needed was in this one little container? This was no accident. Can I answer how God arranged this? No. But I do know, that this blessing took me by such surprise, that I was completely overcome with emotion. The tears of joy and gratitude overflowed through my eyes and down my cheeks as I stared at the picture Mom texted. God knew this day would come long before I knew I would become a writer. He also knew the reaction to this gift would bring me overwhelming joy. God’s gifts are so abundant. We just have to keep our eyes open for their timing. In my writing journey, the guidance I receive is subtle but powerful. There’s no doubt about it. I know Who it comes from. And I’m grateful.

The shoebox collection of pictures for my book. Just what I was looking for.

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8 ESV

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